F Toddler Chapped Lips Home Remedies - Hair Care And Beauty Tips Blog

Toddler Chapped Lips Home Remedies

Since so many people are searching for toddler chapped lips home remedies, I thought I would share some of my personal favorites. There are literally hundreds of products on the market that claim to help chapped lips, but the majority of them simply do not work at all. These home remedies are sure to be a real improvement over the numerous products that you can buy at your local drug store.

One of the first things you need to do when dealing with chapped lips is to keep your hands off of your child's mouth. You should never be touching their lips because they will naturally dry up in the heat of the summer. If you happen to accidentally brush their lips in the middle of the night, you should immediately wash your hands and make sure you bathe your child on a regular basis. This way, you will prevent any painful bites or scratches from happening in the future. Read more about how to take of hair daily in this post.

The main reason why babies get chapped lips is because they are sucking their fingers, and in many cases, they are also licking them in the process. It is important that you keep this in mind if you want to use one of these methods to help solve the problem. You should try to avoid licking your baby's hands because they may not be able to form a proper grip on the object you are holding.

Now, if you are able to get your hands off of your child's mouth, you need to remove any object that is on their face. This includes things like plasters, gloves, bandages, or anything else that can be potentially harmful to their skin. You should also make sure that you clean the area that you have just removed with soap and water and then give it a quick rinse.

If you want to use one of the many toddler chapped lips home remedies on the market, the most common one that has been used for many years is apple cider vinegar. This may seem odd, but it has been proven to be very effective at helping your baby's skin to deal with the dryness and discomfort that come with chapped lips. It also helps to take some time out for yourself or anyone else that may be in the house to put some bubble bath on their face.

Yogurt is another great way to soothe the chapped lips. All you need to do is soak a wash cloth in yogurt and apply it to the lips for a few minutes, after which you can gently pat the skin dry. If you want to go further with a soothing remedy, you can combine your vinegar with olive oil and then massage it into the baby's lips as well.

For something a little bit more out there, you can use lemon juice to help treat the symptoms. Simply take a couple of pints of lemon juice and mix it with honey, and then apply it to the baby's lips. Keep it on for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Check out how to add volume to hair after straightening here. 

With any toddler chapped lips, the last thing you want to do is let the problem continues to get worse. It is best that you use the above mentioned methods as soon as possible after your baby begins to chafe. If you notice that the problem has gone away by itself, then this probably means that you simply have an allergic reaction to something in the formula that you are using.



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